Protect Them Now & In The Future

Protecting Children Is Our Priority

Life insurance for your children under 17 is never an easy or comforting conversation but these specific policies are created for more than just burial needs.

Our Child Insurance Carriers

Carriers Your Family Can Trust

Child Life Insurance FAQ

Here's What You Should Know

Child insurance is not talked about a lot because no one likes to think about losing a loved one let alone a child. The good news is that these polices are for much more than burial expenses. Here are some FAQ you might be wondering.

How Young Can I Start My Child Policy?
We have carriers that start coverage from 14 days and older. Give us a call and we'll get you a free quote.
I Have An 18 Year Old Can I Get A Policy?
Absolutely we have adult policies and since they are still very young the policy premium will still be very affordable. We still suggest a whole insurance policy for such a young age.
Do These Policies Have Cash Value Or Borrowing Abilities?
Yes they do. All children policies are whole life insurance. Meaning they build cash value as you pay the monthly premium. Also if you keep the policy you can take a loan out on the coverage with a standard interest rate usually starting at or around 8% to kickstart them. Or when they turn 18 you can transfer ownership to them.
Why Does My Young Child Need Life Insurance Already?
One unspoken benefit of this coverage is "accelerated" or "illness" clauses that provide cash benefits if your child got sick or had an accident.
Life will forever be unexpected. In the case of a loss you will have coverage to lay your child to rest.

Coverage Is Only A Click Away

Start Your Child Insurance Policy Today

Parents & Grandparents Welcome!!

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Feel free to list all their names under 17. List their DOBs and other information in the last section.
We care too much about our clients to share or sell their information. This will only be used for future insurance information.
Must be under 17 to apply for a "child policy". If your child is older fill out our standard "get a quote" form. If you have more than (1) child to insure list it in the last section
Do they already have life insurance?
Selected Value: $5
If you have a set budget in mind for your coverage we want to make sure to match it as closely as possible.
Selected Value: $5000
If you have a set budget in mind for your coverage we want to make sure to match it as closely as possible.
You can list any general inquiries or concerns that you may have including medical conditions, medications, etc. Do not feel obligated to put it on this form we can review things in detail more when we speak to one another.
Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.